Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney’s “Illness” Explained


“She’s sick, both physically and high anxiety. Millions of press outside. It’s too much,” says Britney pal Sam Lufti in an email.

One of the commenters on here suggested that I think it’s a good thing for Britney to have custody of her kids.

I do not think that.

But I’m fascinated by how little she seems to care. I would probably run into a burning building to save one of my cats. I don’t have (human) kids, but I’d imagine I’d be able to brave hordes of paparazzi — sick or not — if it would help me to keep custody of them.

She braves hundreds of paparazzi on her daily coffee run.

How can she care so little about her own children?

Or is she just trying to postpone the inevitable?

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