Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Guess She Does Work Sometimes

What do you do with yourself after you basically lose custody of your two young children?

You buy yourself a new dog, a new car, and you dance your butt off.

Check out Britney (and her dog) rehearsing at an LA dance studio this weekend.

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  • This video and the one you posted the other day makes me feel bad for Brit Brit. I think I would be fairly tapped in the head if i Had that many people following me everywhere I went.

    Though she totally has mental issues anyway.

    The girl needs help. And she needs to ditch that loser Ali Sims or whatever her name is. I cant stand that bitch!

  • So…like…when exactly was she rehearsing? When I saw “dance your butt off” I said to myself “I’ve got to see this” I thought it was going to get better after those 2 half hearted attempts lol but… that was all???