Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Katherine Heigl Says Knocked Up Was Sexist

“[It’s] a little sexist. It paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as goofy, fun-loving guys. It was hard for me to love the movie.”

Katherine Heigl discusses Knocked Up in Vanity Fair.

Also: about her Grey’s character’s relationship with married O’Malley: “It was a ratings ploy. I’m trying to figure her out and keep her real.”

Sometimes I have to remember that I love Katherine Heigl and hate Izzie. It’s not her fault Izzie sucks so hard.

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  • That sucks; she doesn’t even like her own movie? That makes me not like her as much as I thought I did. That movie is awesome. There are variations but most women are prone to breaking down and over analyzing situations to the point of creating problems for themselves. Most men also are really laid back, obviously not all of them but most are pretty goofy. I loved the movie.

  • Why do the movie if you don’t like it? Oh yeah I forgot… its the draw of the old mighty dollar.
    Quit smoking Katherine then you’d really be doing some good!

  • I think she liked the plot of the movie, and the script and all, but what she wasn’t too happy about was the result at the end. She said in an interview that she felt she was being really funny while doing the movie, but when she watched it she thought she didn’t look that funny. But she likes it, she just doesn’t love it.