Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Who Are You and Will You Please Take Billy Crudup Out of Your Crack Pipe?

Billy Crudup at 5th Annual LAByrinth Theater Company Celebrity Charades: The Battle of Good vs. Evil, Pictures, Photos

Honestly, kids.

Forget D.A.R.E.

Forget simmering eggs.

Forget “crack is wack.”

This is why you don’t do drugs.

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  • Oh man I breezed on by his pic and thought he looks familiar…then went back and I vomited a little when I realized who it was.

    He did use to be someone what good looking… maybe Whitney can counsil him.

  • He looks just joyful to me.

    Billy Crudup doesnt do drugs. And he looks VERY attractive.

    I blame the lights and … well, his age.

  • Yea, I don’t understand, he’s just making a bit of a funny face to the camera by opening his eyes a little more than usual, how in the hell does he look like a drug addict. He’s aged a little but he;s not a bad looking guy, and well dressed as well.

  • just compare this picture to him in “big fish” only 3-4 years before, that’s alot of aging for 3-4 years…I don’t know if it’s drugs, maybe he just put on a little weight…