Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan to Be Unleashed Upon Society Once Again

Lindsay Lohan to Be Released from Rehab at Cirque Lodge in Utah This Weekend

Brace yourselves, people! Stay clear of Les Deux. Hide your cocaine. And get some extra film for your cameras. Lindsay Lohan is coming back.

The actress has been safely contained in a Utah rehab facility for the past two months, but word on the street is that she’s being released from captivity this weekend.

Where will she go? What will she do? “I don’t think she knows yet,” says a friend. This is Lindsay’s third rehab stint, and by far the longest, and friends say she’s really serious about sobriety this time. But that’s what they say every time. Will she return to her old haunts in LA? Or will she hole up with her family in Long Island, where she retreated after her July drunk driving/cocaine incident? How long will it take before she’s finding trouble again? Stay tuned.

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