Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Beckhams Invade America!

Posh and Becks W Magazine August Cover

It’s starting, you guys! Beckham-mania is prepared to conquer the final frontier: the United States of America.

Posh & Becks are on the cover of W magazine this August, and the interview promises to be very revealing (almost as revealing as the pictures).

Victoria finally addresses those pesky rumors that she’s actually a robot: “I think people are really going to see me for the first time. I think they have this impression that I’m this miserable cow who doesn’t smile. But I’m actually quite the opposite. When you’re out there, they’re trying to get pictures up your shirt, down your top. With all the flashes, it’s as much as you can do to just find your car. I’m going to try and smile more for America.” She also notes that “we’re not out to be the most famous people in America. We’re not looking at the move as boosting the brand. We’re us and we’ve got our kids. We’re not aware of a lot of the madness going on around us. We kind of keep to ourselves, really.”

David discusses his relationship with Tom and Katie Cruise, claiming that “Tom has never even talked to us about [Scientology], much less tried to push it on us” and talks about the impact he’ll have on soccer in the U.S.: “I do believe I can take it to another level. I wouldn’t have taken up the challenge if I didn’t believe I could have that effect.”

He also talks about his relationship with Victoria, saying that the first time he met her, he “turned around to Gary (his teammate) and said, ‘That one there, that’s the girl I’m going to marry.’ I trust my wife 110 percent. When people say, ‘Victoria wears the trousers,’ I’m happy.”

David Beckham and Victoria pictures in bed in W Magazine David Beckham and Victoria photos in bed naked in W Magazine David Beckham and Victoria pictures in bed nude in W Magazine David Beckham naked back pictures in bed in W Magazine David Beckham nude shirtless in W Magazine

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • When people say, ‘Victoria wears the trousers,’ I’m happy.”….. Yeah he saying that for right now, I’ll give him a year and I bet he’ll be singing another tone.

  • When people say, ‘Victoria wears the trousers,’ I’m happy.”….. Yeah he saying that for right now, I’ll give him a year and I bet he’ll be singing another tone.

  • I’m so glad that the cover says, “When the Soccer Star married the Pop Singer…” because she sure as shit wasn’t a Pop STAR. The media got something right!

  • I’m glad for them, it’s like a new starting a new life!! They look so good, I would say perfect couple!!but I really think that Beck is getting too much money for nothing!!!!

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