Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Girl Power!


I am so excited that the Spice Girls have taken time out of their busy baby making schedules to have a reunion!

They are planning on launching a world tour that will hit such hot spots as Vegas and London. I have to say that I bought all of their albums and really was quite the big fan of these ladies.

I actually have a friend who got a Spice Girls tattoo in 1997 and I was like “um, 10 years from now you are just going to think jesus…why did I do this to myself??” Now he can bear his tattoo loud and proud because the ladies are back!

Girl Power!

I’ll be keeping our readers updated of any new Spice Girls news!

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Way to slip an upper-thigh “Oh my god, do you think my diver’s speedo will cover this?” reference into Evil Beet! Bien fait.

  • Ha!

    Hi, Krista.

    Yes, it was Stephen.

    I love that our entire high school reads my celebrity gossip blog now. And you guys thought I’d never make anything of myself …

  • We thought you’d make it…eventually.
    Congrats on the MBA though! I’ll admit, didn’t see that one coming. I was wrong. And I don’t say that phrase often…

  • Ok two things.

    1. Your blog is funny.

    2. I’m stealing the picture of the shirtless dude for my blog sort of as a teaser for a future lamest thing ever entry about ill-advised shirtlessness.

    If you hate me for stealing the picture – I’m sorry and I hope we can move past it someday.

    Take care,
