Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Left Jail Wearing Her Blue-Tinted Contacts

Paris Hilton Leaves Lynwood Jail in SUV Pictures Photos

No matter how much her jail stay changed Paris, it officially had no impact on her eye color. BuzzFoto just released this pic of Paris leaving jail, which I think is probably the best I’ve seen so far, and I realized while looking at the high-def version that she’s wearing her blue contacts. I think she might also be wearing false eyelashes, but I’m not sure about that. I’ve included the high-def version of her eyes here so you guys can weigh in.

Paris Hilton Leaving Jail Blue-Tinted Contacts Pictures Photos

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • eyelashes totally fake!

    you called it ! you could braid those fuckers and put beads on them.

  • And here I was thinking she looked fairly decent because she seemed so “natural” looking. I’m so ashamed that I even considered the idea that she wouldn’t try to look “hot” coming out of the slammer.

  • This is so odd! I already saw the originals with her brown eyes, but I did notice the false eyelashes. But her eyes were BROWN! Could this pic here be photoshopped??

  • Hm, if it was photoshopped, it wasn’t by me. I don’t think it was at all, though. Where did you see the original pics?

  • yeah, i still can’t tell if they were blue or brown. and WHY DO I CARE??? AHHHHH i need help.

  • I actually emailed the BuzzFoto guys about it. They said they did not alter their photos (I never thought they did), and I’m sure Splash didn’t either. No one has any incentive to falsify Paris’ eye color. The BuzzFoto guys think it’s just an issue of the angle at which the light hit the contacts, and I’m inclined to agree.

  • BTW, to clarify that last comment, I emailed Celebitchy and she got her photos from Splash News.

  • Okay, final resolution: Splash News sent me their high-res versions from both before and after she got in the car. You have to remember that Celebitchy’s pics are from BEFORE she got in the car, and mine are from AFTER.

    In the high-res versions, you can tell that she is wearing the contacts, but the color is much, much duller. I think because the lighting was poor outside, and the pictures were taken from farther away, the blue is just much less obvious. But the contacts were in all the way through. Thanks to Splash and Buzz for putting up with all my annoying emails on this. :)