Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wowsers, These Kids Are Screwed

What’s the state of the universe you ask? Taaaaaa-da!

David Hasselhoff Gets Full Custody of Children

Yes, this David Hasselhoff:

Actually that’s not near as bad as this… talk about ABUSE!

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • In response to the second video:

    1. Why??
    2. Please make the lower lip biting stop.
    3. Evil Beet would never do this to its readers.

  • Uhhh yeah. I know. After that video I’m surprised there aren’t hands dragging him to rehab — isn’t that where all the kids are going these days? Maybe David escaped because of his age. Either way, I’m surprised it panned out this way FOR SURE. This explains it a bit, what with his wife and all —

    – Jennifer from The Entertainment Desk at