Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Brody Jenner Disappointed to Have Been Profiled Accurately

Brody Jenner has responded to this article in Details magazine, which fails to portray him or his buddy Spencer Pratt in anything resembling a positive manner, and implies that he dated Nicole Richie strictly to gain fame.

“I have broad shoulders and can handle what is written about me personally but when I am misquoted or mischaracterized as exhibiting a disrespectful attitude towards someone I care about, I feel I need to clarify the situation,” says Jenner. “I genuinely love Nicole… I would never say or do anything hurtful to those I love and respect. I’m sorry it was represented that way.”

Even his mommy weighed in: “He has always been fond of [Nicole]. He dated her because he really likes her. He doesn’t have to date anyone for any other reason than he really likes them.” Awww. Thanks, Mommy.

Details stands by their story “100 percent.”

Anyway, Brody’s damn good at this fame-for-no-reason thing. Because now, instead of me writing one article about him being a jackass, I’m writing two. Rock on, Brody.

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