Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kirsten Dunst Doesn’t Equal Box Office Gold

“Marie Antoinette” opened this weekend to less-than-stellar box office numbers. This might shock some as Sofia Coppola’s mix of 80s Music and French decadence might sound slightly awesome, but mainly have looked pointedly at its star, Kirsten Dunst, as the culprit.

Kirsten Dunst isn’t really a stellar actress. I will not deny that she was awesome in “Interview with the Vampire” and that “Bring it On” is one of my favorite movies of all time but it has really been downhill since then. Anyone that has seen her forced performance in “Elizabethtown” can attest to the fact that outside of the teen movie genre she is a bit “blah”.

Movie critics aren’t the only ones that have a problem with the movie. Historians have called her performance “frightful” and taken issue with the fact that this “biographical” movie isn’t really based on actual facts. Responding to this, Kirsten Dunst said, “It’s kind of like a history of feelings rather than a history of facts. So don’t expect a masterpiece theatre, educational Marie Antoinette biopic.”

“Kind of like a history of feelings”? I can’t believe why this would have been booed at the Cannes Film Festival?

Maybe Kirsten Dunst should go back to teen movies. “Bring It On 4” anyone?

This review was the inspiration for my Kirsten Dunst moment today. [IDontLikeYouInTHatWay]

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