Today's Evil Beet Gossip



This woman has been growing her nails since 1979. She is also the proud teacher of the best-behaved third-grade class in the history of the world.

Out and About Today

Posting will resume this evening. Until then, check out My Evil Cohorts, or come be my friend on mySpace. – The Beet

Quote of the Day

“Your research in phytoplankton ecology intrigues me, and I’d love to learn more about it. I have always been interested in harmful algal blooms.” From my sister’s...

Rev Run’s Baby Dies Shortly After Birth

And reality TV continues its sharp plunge into actual reality. Rev Run’s wife gave birth on Thursday, but the baby was born with its organs external to its body, a rare condition...

A Few More Things…

File-sharing site Limewire is suing the RIAA for anti-trust violations, and they’re asking for a jury trial. So it’s pretty much the most awesome publicity stunt since that time...