Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Matt Damon

The Dude Abides

This post is supposed to be about giving the gents some fashion love after three articles of women’s Oscar fashion, but I’m distracted right now by the fact that Jeff Bridges...

Matt Damon is Still a Babeasaurus Rex

My secret boyfriend Matt Damon and Emily Blunt are in New York City filming The Adjustment Bureau and my man is still lookin’ fine. These photos are worth a gander even if you...

Going to the Dogs

Matt Damon supports his candidate at an early vote march in Miami Beach. And, look, I don’t know what the deal is with all the dogs, but it just occurred to me that if no one thought...

Matt Damon Competes in Triathlon

OMG you guys I am in SUCH a grumpy little mood today. I am a grumpalufugus (sp?). And it’s all totally PMS — there’s nothing actually wrong — but I’m trying so...