Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Gosselin

Kate Gosselin Is Never Going Away

As I’m sure you’ve heard, Kate Gosselin and her awful show are on the brink of being taken away from us forever, and not a moment too soon. It’s been a good few years...

Fare Thee Well, Wench Kate Gosselin

Q: What does dejection, depression, and desperation look like when it’s all wrapped in one tight little tweaked-out package? A: A fake blonde badly in need of extension maintenance...

Kate Gosselin’s Career is Over

Guess who’s just now losing her show? Yeah. That’d be Kate Gosselin. After however-many-years of being a reality TV staple, enduring the rigors of a “loser husband”...

Kate Gosselin Is Dead Inside

I know, Kate Gosselin has always been dead inside, but this is new evidence.  See, for this upcoming episode of Kate Plus 8, Kate and her brood make some baked goods for their local...

Caption This

Don’t forget, starting officially on April 1st, we’ll have weekly ‘Caption This’ contests that result in real, live prizes. Pull out your funniest and stick ‘em in the comments if...