Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Has Seen Better Days

Here’s a photo of Justin Bieber at Six Flags last week, back before his younger, more talented look-alike Greyson Michael Chance got a record deal and pushed the Biebz one step closer...

Jessica Simpson Dreams Big

At the White House Correspondents’ dinner last night, Jessica Simpson revealed her one true wish:  to be Michelle Obama. “I really do [want to be Michelle Obama].  She’s...

Justin Bieber Makes Babies Weep

Whoever posted this amazing video of their 3-year old daughter sobbing over Justin Bieber doesn’t understand how viral they could be going right if it was embeddable. You have to...

Shake That Booty, Miley!

Is it wrong that I’m a little obsessed with Miley Cyrus? You know what? It’s definitely wrong. You know how I know that? Because I’m a heterosexual, 27-year-old female...