Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Love Hewitt


“It made me feel a little embarrassed, to be honest. It made me a little sad. It hurt my feelings.” Jennifer Love Hewitt, to Extra, regarding the controversy surrounding her...

A Public Apology to Jennifer Love Hewitt

Okay, Love, you win. You seem to have the support of my entire readership, so I suppose this is long overdue. I am sorry for calling you fat. Repeatedly. That was mean and uncalled for...

JLH Addresses All the Fat Talk

Jennifer has posted this on her blog regarding these photos: This is the last time I will address this subject. I’ve sat by in silence for a long time now about the way women’s...

Jennifer Love Hewitt Engaged!

On the heels of a not-so-flattering article in the Daily Mail, Jennifer Love Hewitt proves even full-figured women can find love. She just got engaged to her boyfriend, Scottish actor Ross...

Jennifer Love Hewitt Still Has Fat Legs

Go ahead. Yell at me for saying it, like you did before. I’m not saying she’s morbidly obese, but unless homegirl is pregnant, this is a little bit bigger than I like my...

Early Evening Links

The National Enquirer thinks Anna Nicole’s underlying cause of death was pneumonia. And if it ran in the National Enquirer, it must be true. [Celebslam] I knew this world was missing...

Late-Night Links

Best and worst of Super Bowl ads. [] Ryan Phillippe is all about fatherhood. That and cheating on his wife. [PopSugar] Kimora Lee gets all lesbo at Cipriani. [Cele|bitchy] Kim...