Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Bruce Willis

Japan Gets All The Premieres Ever

It’s so unfair that everyone promotes everything in Japan, leaving us non-Japanese based writers out in the cold. Well, check out the above picture and note that it’s going down...

Bruce Willis Would Be Fun To Chill With

I know you’re going to dig this. In this clip old Bruce Willis: 1) Slurs 2) Cracks on Cybill Shepherd 3) Ends with the best catchphrase from a movie ever, throwing profanity out on...

Perfect Stranger Premiere

Halle Berry’s boyfriend, Gabriel Aubry, is way, way hot. Also: what was Pat Sajak doing there? Anybody? I even checked IMDB to see if he’d made a cameo or something in the film...

Bruce Willis ::Hearts:: Courtney Love

In a news world dominated by Anna Nicole autopsy reports and Britney Spears dentist visits, I think it’s time to break up the monotony with an exciting report of a Bruce...