Today's Evil Beet Gossip

You Know Who Should Eat More? ANGELINA JOLIE.

photo of angelina jolie skinny anorexic before and after photos pics

Now before all the weight-weirdos get all bent out of shape because I’m not “accepting” Angelina just the way she is, let it be said that I’m not insinuating that sweet old Angelina here looks bad – at all. I’m merely saying that she’s looked <i>better in the past when she had a little bit more meat on her bones. I know she’s naturally on the slender side, but it wouldn’t hurt to change it up for this year, you know?

I still think she’s one of the most beautiful women to ever exist in the history of … existence, but ffs. She’s going to be getting up there in age at some point and women of a certain age need to take care of their bones and stuff. Hers are looking a little pointy and sharp here and there, and she looks like she’d positively shatter if she accidentally fell down a flight of steps.

Oh Angelina. I’m just looking out for you, girl. Put on a few pounds and get some Boniva, OK?

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’m totally in love with her, and I’ve always found her beautiful, skinny arms and all. But I’ve been worried about her recently, too. She’s really looking skeletal. I mean, it’s no wonder given how busy she is with her movies and her charity work and her kids, but still…

    • I’m glad I’m not the only one. I think this woman is amazing and gorgeous and I hate that she’s starving herself or whatever. I blame Brad Pitt because he ruins everyone he marries and/or dates. He’s a blight of beige in a world of color.

  • She is a beautiful woman but she’s starting to look like a fucking walking skeleton. She’s one of those people that totally looks like she has it tohether and under control but is really falling apart~ in ways like this.

  • She does drugs and lots of them to keep thin Its seems like she has a anorexia too. i dont beleive she does not have time to feed herself crap.She has the time to do drugs. How can she not have the time to shove an effin chicken turkey burger down her throat. Its called narcissism. She thinks because she is smaller than 99% of women in the us she is better than they are. It gives her a certain high. She chooses to starve herself.