Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Lady Gaga Talks Sex, Threesomes, Real Life

A photo of Lady Gaga

“I’m not afraid to talk about sex. Sex is not wrong. Sex is real life. I don’t see sex to be a bad thing. Sex is an inspiration for everyone and I don’t think there is one song that’s ever been written that sex wasn’t part of it. So that’s what makes the world go round. I don’t know if threesomes make the world go round, but I suppose, they’re fun.”

Lady Gaga, giving one of the best quotes I’ve ever heard.

Seriously, Lady Gaga is finally good for something, because I have a new catchphrase: “sex is real life.”  I’m going to use it everywhere, so get used to it. When I go to my niece’s birthday party in a few weeks, I’m going to clasp a hand on her shoulder, congratulate her on turning 13, and then let her know: “sex is real life.” When I bring my boyfriend to my grandmother’s house for the first time for Sunday dinner next week, I’m going to interrupt grace by throwing out a well-placed “sex is real life,” or perhaps a more fitting “sex is real life, amen.”

So what did you guys pull from Lady Gaga’s bit of wisdom?

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I like how you took the quote out of context. Before talking about how sex inspires music, etc., she talked about how teens should abstain from sex. And in this over-taxed, over-burdened society of ours, the least amount of bastard babies, the better. So when any popular celebrity speaks in support of abstaining, that’s a great thing.

    I’m a Gaga fan, but not a fanatic. Born This Way sucks – the whole album, that is. But even though you may hate her or think she’s a joke, you shouldn’t take quotes out of context. That’s just bad journalism. Give credit where credit is due.

  • Why does nobody talk about the plastic surgery she had? Total rhinoplasty and chin implant. On a side note, Sasha we miss you.