Today's Evil Beet Gossip

OF COURSE Paula Abdul Keeps Pot Brownies in Her House

A photo of Kara DioGuardi and Paula Abdul

Kara DioGuardi, the American Idol judge that no one cared about, was on George Lopez‘s show last night, and she recounted just the most delightful tale of an evening at the home of Paula Abdul.  Would you like to hear it?

Kara goes over to her friend Paula’s house for a little party. She’s having a good time, you know, but then she gets a rumbly in her tumbly and has to eat something immediately. She moseys on over to Paula Abdul’s fridge and finds some brownies – success!  She helps herself to six of the delicious treats before she’s satisfied, and then she goes back to partying.  Everything’s fine, right?  No, it surely is not:

“Six hours later I was like, ‘What’s going on?'” she said. “I fell out of bed, on the floor and stumbled down stairs … and the ambulance comes, and this guy is like, ‘This bitch is high as a kite!”

DioGuardi said she spent the following three days sick in bed. “I was hallucinating, I was on an IV. I stumbled out like junkie … it was bad news!”

Kara made sure to tell everyone that the pot brownies were not Paula’s (as if), but I don’t think that’s the part of the story she should have been worried about. Paula has earned the right to keep desserts laced with drugs in her home, but has Kara earned the right to just take six whole brownies from her hostess’ refrigerator?  I think not.

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  • Emily, there’s no way in hell those brownies were laced with pot. Still high after 6 hours & hallucinating? More like mushroom, peyote cap, LSD, or pcp. Screw Paula, I’m sure it was accidental but unplanned hallucinations suck.

  • i think you can be pretty sure that she just took a lot of drugs and no hash brownies were involved at all. who eats SIX brownies? I ask you.