Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Another Day, Another Set of Lady Gaga Photos (But These Ones May Not Scare You)

Lady Gaga's 2011 Rolling Stone Spead [PICS]

Well, Christ on the Cross, I may have a nice thing or two to say about Lady Gaga for once. This chick better not go and win me over because between her semi-heartbreaking interview with MTV we showed you recently and these fairly classy and toned down (for her) photos from her RollingStone spread, I might be able to stand her now.

I think I’d finally just come to accept that we’re pretty much always going to get some level of freak in her glossy shots, but this one lacks pretty much any and all retarded shoes and she looks fairly natural.

Oh, and did I forget to tell you how hilarious she was in her interview with Letterman this week?

Damn you, Gaga. Can you not be so darn likable all of a sudden?

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