Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Perfect Little Kate Middleton is All Ready For Her Dumb Wedding

Lookie what we have here! A whole set of photos of that skinny little future princess Kate Middleton arriving at the London hotel where she and her family will be staying tonight in anticipation for tomorrow’s Royal Wedding (and I capitalize those words because everyone else does, not because I think they’re worthy of capitalization.)

Sarah already said today that she and Sassy Gay Friend don’t care about Kate and William‘s big day, but I’m going to go ahead and tell you that I’m flat-out annoyed by it. Kate’s no Diana and there are bigger things going on in the world than the marriage of a future King and his girlfriend. Why is all of this attention being paid to a couple of rich monarchs?

Is Kate pretty? Of course! Do I think she probably would have beaten the shit out of me in high school (despite the stories out there that say she was bullied herself?) Oh, hell yes. This girl totally gives me shit talker/backhanded compliment giver vibe. I don’t trust her, I’m over the fact that I’m supposed to be excited or intrigued by this whole event. And Prince William? Woof. Remember when he used to be hot?

I’ll tell you who is excited about all of this hubbub. My favorite aunt, who’s “Royal Wedding Tea Tray” has been set up in her Massachusetts living room for the last week. I just sent a picture of it to Twitter, check it out. God bless her, huh?

23 CommentsLeave a comment

  • she’s no diana, but i don’t think she’s some conniving bitch either. i don’t get an ill vibe from her at all and in the past, she has requested help from her lawyers to keep her life private. i think the media is just hyping it up too much and rather than fight it, they (her and william) are going along with it.

    • REQUESTED HELP FROM HER LAWYERS FOR PRIVACY ? Are you seriously crazy ? You don’t anything about that crazy bimbo.
      She has tons of horrible photos. She IS nothing like Diana, not in her wildest dreams that’s true. Kate has tons of drunk photos,crotch shots, she didn’t wear panties in Canada {probably never wears them}, a breeze blew her skirt up. The resukt were naked ass photos. And they put up with all that B.S. from her.
      Things are down-hill, waaaaaaaay downhill.

    • Molls is jealous, she’s a fat troll who won’t ever get married or proposed to with that bitch of an attitude!

  • Thank you for this laugh. I’ve avoided anything and everything to do with this event with the exception of clicking this link with “dumb wedding” in the title. I like!

    It sickens me that this garbage is plastered all over our media. The “Royal wedding” is actually prioritized over Latest News on Really? Real life events take a back seat to an outdated wedding ceremony that isn’t even happening in our country… and $48 million dollars on a wedding is absolutely disgusting and so is the amount of money and time people are wasting on this.

    PS. Kate Middleton is not Diana. We get she has big shoes to fill… but why the constant comparing? It’s silly. Why would you want to marry your mother? Diana was just a person too… not a supreme being. I’ll never understand all the glorification?

  • It’s the media making it a big deal and you writing about it is just adding to the media frenzy. Not one person I know has mentioned a thing about the wedding to me and I haven’t brought it up to anyone.

  • I think everyone is missing the point by comparing Kate to Diana. The wonderful thing about this wedding is that Will listened to his mother growing up. The one thing Diana always wanted for her sons was for them to have the most normal lives they possibly could. She wanted to teach them to love whoever they wanted and to hell with royalty. Will listened and he is marrying the woman he loves and not a random duchess. So no, she’s not Diana. He’s not Charles, either, and thank God for that.

  • you write for a living. it’s your job and your chosen profession. so maybe, just maybe, you could take enough pride in your work to learn the difference between “who’s” and “whose” and “its” and “it’s” and all other. it’s (notice i used the right form?) really not that difficult.

  • I think this post has been written by a complete idiot. Kate is not the new Diana or trying to be her. As for your hypocritical comment about this being on the news and there are more important things in the world why not stop writing all this celebrity crap and start writing about all the real things going on

    • It’s bizarre how many people actually defend a total idiot like kate middleton. It’s scary. Are there that many people who think being a bimbo twat is something great ? Don’t you know anything about kate ? Oh and aside from all the exhibitionism that has been ongoing from her for years, she never did squat with her college degree. Only those vague rumors of her, ahhh, “jobs”. Yeaaah right. Such a hardworking skank. She has done nothing with her life and I , as well as others, resent having a bimbo like her presented as a “Duchess”. It’s hysterical. Like putting a suit on a monkey. It’s still going to be a monkey ok ?

  • This freshman article just sweats jealousy. This sounds like the sort of thing you’d hear from an envious, overweight, dog of a bitch. You claim you’re sick of the wedding hype altogether, but it isn’t until an actual HOT PRINCESS is getting married, that the trolls come out of the woodwork. Nobody was getting sick in the past weddings, guaranteed. Thats because Kate is one of the sexiest women in the world right now, and you only wish you could be her!
    Thank you for this. It’s hilarious and COMPLETELY obvious that you wish you were her.

    • Not really. I’m not the one who wrote the article , but I agree with it yet I adored Princess Diana and thought she was stunning. YOU have the problem. You will suck up to any stupid twit, even one like kate middleton, because she suddenly has a title yet acts like a fool. You need more perception. The reason why women can’t stand kate is her lack of class, lack of ambition {aside from marrying William}, her lack of intelligence. I see a drunk bitch with her legs open in a car , and next she’s a DUCHESS ? That is an insult to one’s intelligence. Have you got any intelligence ?

  • The fans of KM call anyone who says the truth about KM ‘jealous’, KM Fans: Do your research on this KM and you will find the truth, However, if you like fairytales and fiction by all means DO NOT do research or you will find out the truth about the real Kate Middleton, not the one hyped up on the media .

    It’s a known fact that in the past, when Kate and Will were dating, Queen Elizabeth wanted to know if Kate is going to get a job. The queen this that it’s not a good idea for a girl to sit home and wait for the price and not do nothing.Kate attended 35 events in a year, while Princess Diana managed to attend more than 170 charity events.
    Kate created a lot of waves when she appeared at a charity event with a Mulberry bag that is worth $1300 and she is known to buy expensive clothes.
    AND THE BEST of them ALL:

    Kate shocked everybody when she asked if Faberge eggs are still manufactured, which is unacceptable for an Art history major.She went to the best of schools but her MAIN GOAL was to marry into the Royal Family, therefore she wasn’t paying attention about ‘Faberge’ in History class.
    There’s more, but I gave you some information freebies already and you can find out the rest on your won. I wouldn’t want you to be another lazy like KM.

  • The fans of KM call anyone who says the truth about KM ‘jealous’. KM Fans: Do your research on this KM and you will find the truth, However, if you like fairytales and fiction by all means DO NOT do research or you will find out the truth about the real Kate Middleton, not the one hyped up on the media .

    It’s a known fact that in the past, when Kate and Will were dating, Queen Elizabeth wanted to know if Kate was going to get a job. The queen thought it was not a good idea for a girl to sit home and wait for the price and not do any work.Kate attended 35 events in a year, while Princess Diana managed to attend more than 170 charity events.
    Kate created a lot of waves when she appeared at a charity event with a Mulberry bag that is worth $1300 and she is known to buy expensive clothes.
    AND THE BEST of them ALL:

    Kate shocked everybody when she asked if Faberge eggs are still manufactured, which is unacceptable for an Art history major.She went to the best of schools but her MAIN GOAL was to marry into the Royal Family, therefore she wasn’t paying attention about ‘Faberge’ in History class.
    There’s more, but I gave you some information freebies already and you can find out the rest on your own. I wouldn’t want you to be another lazy like KM.
