Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Caption This: The Ever Classy Michelle “Bombshell” McGee Licks Sandra Bullock

A photo of Michelle "Bombshell" McGee

Are you taking notes, guys? This is the picture of elegance and grace.  The face tattoos, the hot new “I’m about to have surgery on my eye” look, the licking of the photo of the woman whose husband you slept with.  Bombshell’s got the hot tip, everybody, so get ready, because 2011 is definitely going to be the year of trashy.

Photo via TMZ

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wow. She really is all like, “And not a single fuck was given that day.” isn’t she? It’s almost impressive, if it weren’t for the whole aspect of her complete lack of dignity and self-respect.