Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Madonna Talks About the Gay Community and Their Support of Her Music on Ellen, Discusses Bullying

On a recent airing of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Madonna credits much of her fame to the support of the gay community, and also uses her platform to discuss the hot topic of bullying in today’s society.

Madonna, who is an always-eloquent speaker (I just loved the ‘reoccurring occurrence’ thing she talks about in the above video, lol, good stuff), has taken the liberty to address bullying in the LGBT community and across the board, and what we can do to cut down on the, you know, cutting down.

While I’ve never really been a fan of her music (I know, crazy, right?), I do like the work that she’s done as a humanitarian and as an actress/model (come on, is there really anyone more dramatic than frickin’ Madonna?). I kind of gag whenever I hear her pull out the old fake British accent, and sometimes I’m afraid that she’ll read something even remotely negative that I might happen to write about her and show up at my front door with those crazy-strong sinewy arms of hers and lock me in a chokehold, but on the whole, Madonna’s a good egg and she makes me smile when she talks about important things.

Thanks for sticking up for those who don’t have a voice of their own, girl.

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  • My child was bullied after school . By who we thought were her friends . one came to are house to get to go out and play . why two more waited for her . one 13 year old pulled her by the hair down to the ground and kicked her in the back .. this is getting out of hand .