Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Snooki Endorses Exercise

photo of jersey shore's snooki exercising orange oompa loompa pictures

Yo, that’s crazy. That’s like Charlie Sheen sponsoring his local police department, or Lindsay Lohan endorsing Promises. You’d think it’d go together like peanut butter and Nutella, but when paired, it actually results in quite a nasty fucking sticky mess.

Here we see Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi (of Jersey Shore, but I’m sure I don’t really need to specify that any longer) plugging BL Body Activewear in NYC earlier in the week.

Hey, girl? If you put down the cigarettes and push your drinking start time from 10 AM to at least 10 PM, you might actually get healthy and the exercise’ll do you some good.

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  • For someone who hates snooki so much, she seems to be your choice of topic in everyone of your threads. Uhm, are you secretly in love with her? Are you just crazy? Is it a jealousy issue? Im sure if you were on a popular MTV show, people would find endless reasons why they should hate you. the one thing Snooks is doing that you obviously are not is hustling and stacking them hundreds. While she has photoshoots, you have your keyboard to type out your undeserved hatred towards a person you don’t know. Haters hate because they’ve never been loved =( how sad for you, sweetie. Do yourself a favor, step outside and go for a walk on a nature trail, meditate, smoke a blunt. Something that will calm you down enough to bring some self awareness. Because at the end of the day, its her on MTV and countless photo spreads, interviews and parodies.