Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Most Adorable Couple Got Married Yesterday

But seriously, look at them.  I mean, I’m not going to pretend like I’m any kind of familiar with Emily Blunt’s work or that I’ve seen John Krasinski in anything besides of The Office (well, I saw the first five minutes of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, but it was pretty hideous itself so we didn’t get any further than that).  I don’t think I have to see anything other than this picture to be filled with a sort of vicarious but well-meaning joy at the thought of this couple’s wedding.  I realize that might make me a tad bit creepy, but fuck it, they are precious and I love it.

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  • I think they’re an adorable couple and I really hope it works out for them. They’re both pretty low key, so I think they’ve got a shot, you know?