Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Bristol Palin Has Got, Like, Bills to Pay

photo of bristol palin's photo shoot for harper's bazaar

The teenage-mom-ed Palin sits down with Harper’s Bazaar for their June issue and covers pretty much every topic from being a teenage mom, working full-time to support her two-person family and why, in fact, her two-person family isn’t a three-person family.

On Playgirl posing Levi Johnston and dating other guys:

“I just ignore it. He is a stranger to me,” she says, visibly rattled by the mention of Johnston’s name, though she refrains from saying more. “I don’t want to get into it. It’s just dirty laundry.” She is not seeing anyone at the moment: “I’m in no rush. One day I’ll find a nice guy.”

On her supposed lack of money to do, well … anything:

“I don’t ever have time for friends or anything like that,” she sighs. “It’s just like, ‘Right, crap, there is a hockey game tonight that I want to go to but I can’t.’ Or, ‘I do have to go to work today, because I’ve got bills to pay’.”

On finding out she was pregnant:

“It was kind of humiliating,” she sighs as she clears boxes of pizza and bowls of Doritos and Skittles. “Great, I’m 17 years old, I’m 40 pounds overweight with a big belly on me, all my friends are at school watching this on the news. This kind of sucks … I remember sitting on the couch with one of my best friends and Levi, and I just couldn’t spit it out. I was like, ‘Mom, Mom.’ I was bawling my eyes out. She was like, ‘What’s wrong?’ And I was like, ‘I’m pregnant.’ And she was like” — Bristol stops and mimics a gasp — “Oh my God. Holy crap. But once that part was over with and Tripp was here, it was just like, this baby is a blessing.”

On her maternal-ness and domesticity:

“I know I’ll be a hockey mom.”

On her future as a businesswoman:

“I want to pursue the opportunities I have now. I want to do public speaking and cause campaigning. I want to write a book.” (Before interviews, her mother advises, “Just smile, be positive, be confident.”)

And naturally, her non-predilection for President Obama’s administration and how things would be oh-so much better if her mom, Sarah Palin, had been voted in:

“I think he is making more Americans become dependent on government, and he’s acting like government can and should take care of everyone. That is completely contrary to what made America a great nation. We should be expected to take responsibility for ourselves.”

So, now that she’s a big girl and on her own, what do you think of Bristol Palin?

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Who the hell is that in the picture? It doesn’t even look like her. I know peoples looks change but what really makes we wonder is her chest. Her chest has always been very large and the young woman in the picture has nothing. Something isn’t right with this picture.

  • As “enlightening” as this interview may be I’m also just hung up on the photo. They obviously selected the figure (whether or not it’s hers is up for debate) and stretched her vertically to make her look thinner. Her head is way out of proportion! Why does Harper’s always eff up with photoshop?! I’m not even going to get into the whole “baking housewife tea party” set they put her in (barf).

    • The vertical stretch isn’t Harper’s fault; blame this site. If you save this pic to your PC, you’ll see the original proportions are correct – this site stretches pics to fixed (and occasionally flattering) dimensions.

      Having said that, there’s also a lot of ‘shopping going on… flawless skin, hyper-saturated colours, not a single unsightly crease, not a hair out of place… cos being the mother of a toddler is *totally* like that; more teens should try it! :P

  • I think that she seems to have done a decent job in this interview. I feel really sorry for her that her baby’s daddy is being such a complete idiot in such a public manner. And while yes, she is the one who chose to have sex with him, blah blah blah, which one of us didn’t have a boyfriend or fling in high school that we would prefer to just forget about? Unfourtunately he’s bent on showing the world just how immature he can be. Bristol seems to handle it in the best possible way by not giving them anything to write about.
    The whole thing has just got to be a terrible situation and I feel bad that she has to deal with it all in the public eye because of her mother and yahoo baby’s daddy. She handled this with more grace than her mother could have ever had. And Like the headline says, girl’s got bills to pay!

    • Bristol and he mother have said some pretty nasty things about Levi. And, while Levi has dished a bit about Sarah, he’s never said a bad public word about Bristol. We don’t know all the details about their breakup and custody battle, but by all accounts, Levi is paid up with child support (and pays a hefty sum, not that he shouldn’t).

      They are both exploiting their situation: Levi has Playgirl, Bristol has Candies. Levi has Vanity Fair, Bristol has Harper’s. They are both making cash on the fact that they got pregnant and had a baby.

      So, what makes him an idiot and her not an idiot?

      • You are taking up for Levi? He’s the father of that child and he walked away. I’ll bet you think it’s OK to get married, have kids and get a divorce. If you make the baby, you suck it up and stick around. Sorry, dip shit. You are a dip shit.

      • All I have to say A-hole is that your comments make you the idiot in this story! Get off the computer, go blow the family pet.

      • Oh, I hit a nerve with the two biggest d-bags on this site. I consider that a victory.

  • Wow it must be easy to feel like government help is unnecessary when you’re getting paid tons of money to do interviews, etc. just based on your circumstances as a previous VP candidate’s daughter and your situation as a teen mother. What about the other teen mother’s in the country? They deserve to struggle to provide for their children that pro-lifers encourage them to have? I fail to see the logic. I honestly think she is making the best out of the situation she is in, but it wasn’t the worst situation to begin with.

  • If little Brisles mom was not riding high on the speaking engagement gravy train and throwing lots of cash her daughters way, Baby Brisle would be on welfare like most 17 year old moms.
    She is just lucky she too can cash in on her moms 10 minutes of fame. Brisle Brush will never have to get a real job. She will ride her moms coat tails to her grave,

    • Babinka is Russian for I am a three-fingered skunk cunt who has the brain power of a wet box of matches. STFO and GTFO, whore.

    • I was wondering why you were calling her Brisle, but I see it was so you could make your retarded “Brisle Brush” joke at the end. For this site it is rather lame but looking at your picture it isn’t bad for a tweaking San-Fran bathroom attendant. You look like a cross between Courtney Love and Bela Lugosi.

      Seek help.

      • She didn’t spell her joke right, it’s “bristle”.
        Although I do agree with everything she said.

  • That picture looks unnatural. Is she eating all that pizza, dorritos and skittles because that is not the secret to weight loss. Photoshop is!

    I am proud of her for not saying that Obama is the antichrist though! Good job Bristol. Save that for the church meeting.

  • Yeah, everyone should take responsibility for themselves….like crying to Mommy when you get knocked up, you mean? I love when people who have everything criticize those who have nothing for having nothing. She isn’t too into personal responsibility to a) use protection b) refuse money from her parents c) live at home d) accept the free child care that living at home gets her. I know it must be nice to think that you’re better than the other underage mom morons out there, Bristol, but try again.