Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Olivia Newton-John’s Dead Boyfriend? Yeah, He’s Not So Dead.

Remember when Olivia Newton-John’s boyfriend up and disappeared, like, five years ago?  Yeah, he supposedly had taken his boat out on the open seas and was never seen again.  After a huge investigation and tons of money involved, he was ruled dead.

Well, the investigation must have seemed fishy to some, because the case was never closed.  New information has been brought to public knowledge stating yes, the man, Patrick McDermott, is alive and well and living off the coast of Mexico.

McDermott’s counsel states that he did fake a disappearance after breaking off a nine-year relationship with Newton-John in order to escape financial ruin and allow an insurance policy of $100k to be cashed out in order to benefit his son.

You think you know someone and then they go and fake their death. Man, I’d be pissed if I were Olivia Newton-J.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think she probably knew, or at least suspected it.

    How movie-esq of him…. He should write a book now to gain some more $$$ and attention over this.

    Isn’t it illegal to do this? Or is there a time-line a person has to be missing and then the law cant touch you anymore?

    I have to say that as a mother (a parent) that having all your friends and family, including your child believe you are dead to be able to get out of YOUR debt and give your child 100,000… well, its beyond my way of thinking. Money is just money, I mean.. its not even a million or something- at least make it worth the heartaches while.

    • What I mean by her suspecting is that now when she looks back she can probably see the signs, but she was ignoring them…. phone calls… plans… the way he was acting. I’m sure there was something… I think its just awful .

      He will be prosecuted, its been admitted to now.

    • Yes, for insurance fraud and maybe other debt-related charges. Talk about being desperate.

      What a weird combinations of qualities: a desire to avoid your financial and emotional responsibilities, a desire to benefit your heirs, a desire to start a new life…

      I’m doubt that Olivia knew and I wonder how anyone could make that assertion without knowing her personally. But maybe his lawyers knew!

  • God, I hardly follow this crap, but even I remember this story breaking over a year ago.

  • Why do ppl just escape to Mexico and stop? You would think from there they would continue to another country not so rife with American tourists and less likely to keep up with American news.