Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Of Course Wall Street 2 is Going to Suck

The trailer for Oliver Stone’s Wall Street 2 was released today. I’m not posting this because anyone ever thought a sequel to Wall Street in 2010 even had a chance of being good, but because I can’t believe how unbelievably shitty this movie looks. It’s so infinitely worse than anything I could have suspected that I’m shocked. Michael Douglas is old. Shia LeBeouf is a cocky little hamface. The music sounds like it came from a CD of pre-liscened “tension” music. The message feels irrelevant, but not in an escapist way like with Oceans 11 or Boiler Room or any other modern movie about good-looking men in suits doing bad things for money. I’m going to do myself the favor of not seeing this so I can still enjoy the original.

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  • Kind of harsh judgment coming from someone who’s only seen a 90 second trailer, don’t ya think? Of course, Michael Douglas is old — Jesus, he’s supposed to be. Someone who’s spent a large number of years in the pokie is going to look old. And calling Shia LeBouf a cocky little ham face, after seeing him in about 15 seconds of footage? Uh, for the role he’s probably playing in this movie, can you really imagine him looking like anything else? And finally, the music…you ought to know by now that very often the movie used in the trailer for a movie is not used in the actual film. I’m not a big fan of Stone, Douglas, or LeBouf, but I think you should cut this movie some slack until you’ve received a bit more information about it — such as the story line, for instance.

  • Home run on this one Molls. Watching the first one was like having butt secks with a porcupine.

  • Molls, I love you, you know that, but I thought the movie looked interesting. Douglas looks good for being about 100.

  • i am wondering how you came up with this post at all. this isn’t even a trailer, it’s just a teaser, and the only information we get is that he’s out of jail and has a really old cellphone. how can this movie possibly look so terrible when the teaser doesn’t even tell you what is going to happen???? wow someone on a motorcycle, someone walking up the steps, a girl sitting at the computer, shia lebouf pushing his way through a crowd, shia lebouf in a helicopter…that all screams ‘bad movie’ to you? maybe you should move from gossip writing to movie critiquing since you can discern all of that from 90 seconds of random clips.