Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Pictures from the Midsummer Night’s Dream Party at the Playboy Mansion, Just Because


Their PR chick sent ’em over, and some of them are pretty sexy. Except for the one Scott Baio’s in. But please check out the one of Shaq, whose right hand basically spans the length of some chick’s torso.

I was just thinking about this tonight. You know, I’m tired of people saying there’s no way to tell how big a guy’s penis is until you get his pants off. There’s pretty much a direct relationship between hand/foot size and penis size. Like, I’d say you can predict with about 95% certainty how large a guy’s penis is going to be by checking out the size of his hands. Why isn’t this more common knowledge? Why are girls always like, “It’s so unfair, they know how big our tits are, but we don’t know how big their penises are.” Yes you do. Look at his hands. Here’s my theory: The media is predominately run by men with small hands.

29 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I dunno…my boyfriend’s hands are pretty small, and he’s only 5’8 or so, but his cock is definitely respectable.

  • “Here’s my theory: The media is predominately run by men with small hands. ”
    that just made my day!

  • agreed with the dick thing. I’ve only been (pleasantly) surprised once. Usually there’s a pretty strong connection going on.

  • I’ve heard it’s like…the tip of your pinky measured across your hand diagonally to the tip of your thumb and that’s the length of the penis.

    • If you mean a guys bit is the same as his hand span.
      I can confirm that, that is wrong, but I wish it was not as my hand span is 13″/33cm– damn how I wish that correlation was correct LOL.

  • There is indeed a direct correlation–if i am remembering correctly, it is because the same type of growth in the womb determines the growth/development of both, ahem, appendages. so they are typically proportional. i haven’t done a scientific survey, but my unscientific research over a span of 15 or so years has borne this out. ;)

  • Milton Berle was reportedly the best hung man of his times, a real legend in that department. He didn’t have large hands, but did have very long fingers. Does that support your theory? Or not? This is real hooey. Do women care about size? I always thought it was a man competitive thing.

  • well size doesn’t matter until the thing is so small that it does. i’ve been unpleasantly surprised by the tallest and large-handed man i once dated. let’s just say that his middle finger was longer than what he had in his pants.

    • There is such a thing as to big to. So yeah size matters but only if its very very small or very very big.

  • There are all these correlations between a size of a guys privies compared to another part n him ( hands, feet, nose whatever).
    But has any1 heard of any such correlations for a women privvies and other parts on her body.?
    You know kinda like big hands, no problem birthing kids, small feet, you better hope you are smaller hung then a gnat- kinda thing.
    I never have .

    Also if they remove a post ( I had the first comment in this topic), do they not inform you on it or threaten you over the post in an e-mail, like all other websites. ( it was just insulting hugh heffner, his mag, and parties).

    • If there is indeed a correlation between hand/foot size and penis size in men, then it would hold true for a woman’s hand/foot size and her clitoris size. In the womb, they start out as the exact same organ then after a few months the gender is decided and they change accordingly.

      • Not sure but do not think so.
        as the correlation is for total size of the male organ, and not just the head, which it would have to be for for that correlation in females to be correct

      • Maybe you don’t know, but the c/litoris is mostly internal and is roughly the same size altogether as a pe/nis. Additionally, the cl/itoris and the pen/is begin in the womb as the same cells, then later in gestation turn into whichever organ, internal or external. So if there was a correlation for pen/is/hand size, there would be for cl/itoris/hand size. They’re pretty much the same organ.
        I had to add slashes because the stupid filter said my comment seemed a bit spammy.

  • Wow… someone finally cleaned up those ugly twins.

    This is the first picture I have seen of them… which their makeup and hair look professionally done. In a flattering manner.

    Cause lord knows… these girls are not classic beauties.

  • Okay- I used to believe that the size of hands indicated penis size, UNTIL I dated a hot sexy guy who was at least 6’2″ with big hands, big feet, and the TINIEST penis ever. Like, the size of my pinky (and i’m a small girl with small hands). I honestly couldn’t even tell if it was in. (We broke up later that night)

  • I think that the penis/hand/foot ratio is one of those non-exact measuring things, like how you can double a two year old’s height to see how tall they will be an adult. And I am not 6’4″, which is what I apparantly should be.

  • What happens with those who have large feet and small hands? I’m a girl, and since I’m not Lady GaGa, I can’t check the penis/hand ratio thing on myself, but I have the smallest hands (small enough that I get comments on them, the weirdest being “how do you manage to live with such small hands”) and feet big enough that it’s often simpler for me to get my running shoes in the men’s department. So here’s another vote for the “it’s funny, but a lot a crap” category.

  • They have done countless studies trying to find correlation between hand or foot size and the penis. They can’t find anything consistent enough to prove it.

    • Abbi if that theory were true in regards to brains as well I would have to say you have tiny hands and tiny feet. Your trying to be to fucking cerebral girl. Every time you post something it is all of this scientific, theoretical, deep thinker shit. Did someone you love once call you an idiot as a child? You are over compensating way to much.

    • I agree
      as my feet are 13″ long, but I am not down there.
      Also the hand thing again wrong as if it is hand span then again my span is 13″.
      If it is with a fingers held tight together/ to hand, then again wrong as I am about twice this.

  • I’m really annoyed with why my comments aren’t showing up. I accidentally replied to someone with basically the same thing twice, and I can’t tell them I just realized I did that.

  • Its really very good and interesting information. Every year a number of events are held at the Playboy Mansion. Inevitably, A-list celebrities make appearances. And who could forget about the Playboy bunnies, the highlight of the Playboy Mansion. People always enjoy in this type of party.