Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kelly Rutherford Has Baby, Doesn’t Tell Husband


Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford gave birth to daughter Helena this week, and I’m very disappointed that she didn’t name her baby after a handbag.

As reported a couple months ago, Rutherford is estranged from husband.  Turns out, he found out about the birth of his child off the Internet.

“Media reports claiming that I neglected to attend my daughter’s birth are total lies and fabrication,” Giersch says in a statement. “I was never informed by Kelly about the birth of our daughter, nor was I invited to attend. In fact, I found out about it through Internet reports like everyone else. Although this sickens me, I am of course overjoyed that our baby was born healthy. I would’ve wanted nothing more than to hold our newborn daughter for a few moments, and I only seek to coparent both our children responsibly and with love.”

Though we obviously don’t know the whole story, it seems so cold to not let your husband know that you’ve birthed his spawn.  I hope these two can find a way to come together for the sake of these children.

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