Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Our President Brings in the Ratings!

Turns out something on this planet can compete with American Idol!

Barack Obama’s first speech to Congress was a ratings win, bringing in 52.4 million viewers across cable and broadcast networks. VERY impressive, Mr. President!

Whatever. I’m still bitter than they moved Idol for this speech. It just messes up my whole week to have Idol airing Wednesday/Thursday. Don’t you think the country should have to vote on things like this? Why couldn’t Obama have given this speech on Monday? How do I watch Top Chef and Idol tonight? And do my recap?? It’s like nobody thinks about my needs anymore.

You can watch President’s full address in the video above.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Beet — you’re not the only one who’s week got messed up by this programming change. Now I have to decide between Idol or Ugly Betty on Thursday. I’ll probably end up going with Idol because Ugly Betty has been a suck-fest this season.

  • 1st of all, I can’t believe anybody still likes Idol. That was old like 2 years ago, I can’t possibly see the appeal anymore!
    2nd, I actually watched the Prez talk b/c Rachel Maddow had a link to the live show on her website and I luv her with like 110% of my heart. So watching the whole speech, it was hilarious to see the entire Congress stand up and sit down over and over again like they were in freshman PE again. AHAHA!!! Like Nancy Pelosi was playing Simon says with them, “OK class, Simon says stand up and clap fervently. Simon says sit back down. Stand up! AHAHAHA, you lose Republicans, you’re out!!!!”

  • This was the first time I ever watched a State of the Union speech….I didn’t miss AI at all. I was giving standing ovations in my living room. It is so refreshing to have a President who can form sentences and inspire us.

  • If you watched the President, you would have seen a true star. He had half of Congress lining up for his autograph at the end of his speech. There is no American Idol that could compete with that.

  • I cannot bring myself to care about this at all.
    I have absolutely no interest in the president.
    But they again, that’s why I didn’t vote.

  • Of course you will pull in the ratings when you take over every broadcast channel and a couple of cable ones. It would be interesting to see how well the speech would have done if Fox kept Idol on.

    I would’ve watched Idol.

  • The best thing ever was Bobby Jindals rebuttal. It was like Mr. Roger’s neighborhood all over again. (and hilariously bad)

    • Whew, I actually thought you meant the first sentence for real. whew *wipes sweat from forehead* I would love to see him run for president in 2012 though, just to watch his ass get kicked thoroughly and deliciously by the dem nominee. ahaha that would be so enjoyable to watch

  • They couldn’t air them both at once because Paula’s ass-spring was on loan to Nancy. What was her strategy with all that jumping up and down? Trying to kill off some white-haired GOP old men? Geeze, she almost took out the VP as well!

    And Jindal’s jaw-dropping response? Somewhere Sarah Palin was breathing a sign of relief.

    I LOVE our new president and every intelligent insightful word that comes out of his mouth — which is every word that comes out of his mouth. Yes, I drank the kool-aid, and kindly don’t kill my buzz. If you aren’t interested in the president or the country, you can go read your last 401K statement… if you know what that is…