Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jamie-Lynn Sigler Is Glad She Didn’t Have Babies When She Was Young and Stupid and Married to a Manipulative Jackass

In an upcoming interview with Page Six magazine, Jamie-Lynn Sigler talks about her ill-advised early marriage, and why she’s glad she never popped out babies. In some ways, it reads like a “Just wait and see how fucked you’re gonna be” to all these young starlets getting knocked up left and right.

“I was told what I needed to be in every given moment – what I should and shouldn’t say. It was such a weird thing when I was 21 or 22 and just getting into the world,” she tells the mag. “I didn’t know who I was. I was living in an idealistic dream world – like, ‘I have a successful show and this handsome man, and I’m 22 and I’m getting married and may have a baby next year!’ But, man, am I glad we didn’t have children.”

Although she’s 27 now, Jamie tells the magazine that she’s “having a second twenties,” because “I think I deserve to form my own life now.”

And as for her rumored romance with Entourage’s Jerry Ferrara? “He is a very special person, and I’ll leave it there.”

You know, in many ways, Jamie-Lynn’s kind of had an similar experience to what Jessica Simpson went through, but has managed to do so in a much more under-the-radar kind of way. It’s interesting, because I have a feeling their stories have a lot of parallels, but public perception of Jamie-Lynn in the aftermath is so different from public perception of Jessica. It’s notable, too, that Jamie-Lynn was in a years-long relationship with Scott Sartiano immediately following her divorce, so it’s not like she’s just been on the singles scene forever.

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