Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Anna Paquin Got Cut From The X-Men Movie


Anna Paquin shot a scene as the character Rogue for the upcoming X-Men movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past, (lol wtf is that title) — but unfortunately, no one’s going to see it. At least, not in theaters. Director Bryan Singer hopes it will show up on DVD. Here’s why her scene — her one and only scene — got cut. As Singer told Entertainment Weekly,

Through the editing process, the sequence became extraneous. It’s a really good sequence and it will probably end up on the DVD so people can see it. But like many things in the editing process, it was an embarrassment of riches and it was just one of the things that had to go. Unfortunately, it was the one and only sequence Anna Paquin was in, the Rogue character was in. Even though she’s in the materials and part of the process of making the film, she won’t appear in it.

She [Paquin] did a fantastic job. She was awesome in the sequence. She’s a brilliant actress. I would work with her in a heartbeat.

She completely understood [about the cut]. It’s very disappointing, but she’s very professional and she knows that stuff happens, particularly with material you shoot early on in production. Films evolve.

Bummer for her. And for fans? Will you guys miss her? I guess one bright side is she won’t have to promote the film and can spend more time with her twin babies.

Here are some supercute pics of her and husband Stephen Moyer (BIEEEELL) from earlier this month. They made my heart melt. Enjoy.

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