Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hopefully There Are Useful Parenting Tips Outside That Window, Lynne

Because it’s clear we’re not going to find any in your book.

The cover from the upcoming Lynne Spears tome, Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World, has just been released.

What was originally supposed to be a how-to book on parenting — before her oldest daughter was hospitalized for a nervous breakdown and her 16-year-old daughter got pregnant — is now apparently just going to be a scandalous tell-all.


11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Well what tips could she really give? If anything I hope this book was a learning lesson for the whole spears family on how they could all handle their lives a bit better… and that she gives us some juicy tidbits about what the heck happened to everyone!! After you get your copy beet make sure to share all of the good parts.

  • That cover–gack! Who puts “mother of” on the cover of their book? And it looks so mock-serious. What a waste of trees.

  • I honestly wonder what the first draft of the book included? Possibly how to drive your daughter insane, and not notice that your underage daughter is sexually active? And how to push your kids into show business and manage them-while sucking them penniless? Good one Lynne. I’ve got to check this out and see how many trips I end up making to the emergency room to have my sides sewn up while reading her memoir (is that what it could be considered?)

  • Is she looking out the window while her grandson’s play on a freeway on ramp? Seriously, no wonder Britney had a breakdown, there is no reality in the entire family. Who would write a book on parenting when everyone of your kids is fucked up? Better question is when will the grandkids write books? That book I will buy, but most likely they will always be out on that on ramp on life, *squish*.

  • Apparently this woman has no means of supporting herself except for living off of her children. I mean look at Mother Lohan on TV, she’s doing the same thing. You can be creative and rob the bank account a bit when these kids are minors but when they get older you have to find another way to exploit them. BINGO! Write a tell-all book. I bet this fine piece of literature will be on sale at the “Everythings a Dollar” store in about 6 months.

  • I think Britney’s brother is hot. Beet, can you hook me up with him? I know he and I can settle into a life of domestic bliss. Can you and Leo Introduce me to him?


  • Hahaha, are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
    She wrote a book, and I didn’t know about this until now. This comes as a shock, really.

    BEET! We have to get some Jessica Simpson up in this because, I guess, she’s supposedly turning into Hollywoods new hot mess, and I think we’d all have a marvelous time of spreading nothing but joy and laughter about how trashy she (kind of) is (sometimes).

  • Geeezus Lynn should not be writing any books. She should concentrate on getting her hair colored and cut, mani pedi, and shutting the fuck up.