Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sorry, No One: Kevin Spacey Rules Out A Career In Politics

kevin spacey

Kevin Spacey is a great actor who felt like joining at Netflix original series (House of Cards, if you’re curious) was a smart thing to do at this point in his career, and since that show’s about politics, he wants to set the record straight and let everyone know that he’s not running for office in real life and never will. Because, you know, we all assumed that was going to happen.

From Capitol File:

Politics became a point of interest for Spacey decades ago. He’s been involved one way or another since the ’70s, stuffing envelopes for Jimmy Carter and campaigning for Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton when each ran for president. But playing Frank Underwood is about as close as Spacey would like to come to a run for office, or even a role in bureaucracy. “I’m a person who likes to set a goal and then achieve it. I like to get things done,” he says. “I would never walk into a profession where I’d [know] I was going to be frustrated for the rest of my life.”

Well, that settles that, then. And listen, how about the media stops trying to encourage stars to run for office? I know it worked for Reagan (well… sorta), but stars are stars because that’s their area. They do celebrity things, not political things. That’s not to say that celebrities can’t be interested in politics insofar as voting and shit, but I’m not trying to have, like, John Travolta in the White House (first person that came to mind, sorry).

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  • “I would never walk into a profession where I’d [know] I was going to be frustrated for the rest of my life.” Funny but most would say that about acting.

    I wish he’d act more. I love him.