Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Karl Lagerfeld’s Cat Is Now in Harper’s Bazaar

A photo of Karl Lagerfeld and Choupette

In the greatest development since the beginnings of celebrity gossip, Karl Lagerfeld‘s cat, Choupette, is, really and truly, becoming a star. Earlier this week, she had her very own spread in i-D magazine, and now she’s in Harper’s Bazaar. I really wouldn’t be surprised if Vogue recalled all the copies of their September issue and replaced it with a brand new Choupette cover. Could you imagine, the feud that would start up between Choupette and Lady Gaga?

But let’s now focus on what the future holds, because here and now we have a whole interview that Karl did with Harper’s Bazaar, not about fashion or any of his other nonsense, but about the real star of the show, Choupette.

The kitty was sick! She is better. She had eaten something she wasn’t supposed to eat. They had changed her food because she’s grown-up now, and the food was not right yet. So I had the doctor come in the middle of the night.

Her attitude: She has an attitude like a princess.

Does she meow a lot? No, no, no—everything is done with the eyes. She knows exactly what she wants.

Her meals: She goes in the kitchen and sits in front of the food. She doesn’t like to eat on the floor, so I have to put the food on the table. Her dishes are by Goyard. She has one for water, one for her little croquette, and one for her pâté. You have to serve everything, and she makes a choice.

The relationship between Choupette and her two maids: They spend hours together and do her beauty jobs, her hair, and all those things, and they have moments of tenderness with her. They have to write in the book exactly what they’re doing. Because there’s a diary, I know everything.

Her favorite toys: She likes strange toys, toys that aren’t supposed to be toys. She plays with pieces of wood, pieces of paper, shopping bags. She loves shopping bags.  Her favorite one is a huge Colette shopping bag that’s under the kitchen table. She spends hours in there and brings all her toys in there. And when I’m in bed, sometimes she comes and brings all her toys in my bed.

What about her claws? The doctor does her manicure. She hates when we do it ourselves. The only time she makes a scandal is then.

Karl’s cat is just like my cat: When I’m working, she sits next to me. And when I want to write letters, she sits on the papers because she doesn’t want me to write letters.

Would he want another cat? No, no, no, no, no. She’s the one.

This is truly the very, very best thing. Well, until Karl designs a fashion line especially for cats and introduces the hottest cat model to hit the runway, Choupette! Or until Karl just puts her in a regular old fashion show. The possibilities are truly endless.

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