Today's Evil Beet Gossip

But Who Are You Going to Vote for, Jenna Jameson?

A photo of Jenna Jameson

If there’s one thing I know about politics, it’s nothing. That’s why I think it’s so handy when famous people decide to speak up about their political views. Because why wouldn’t I trust someone who entertains me to guide me in all other aspects of my life?

That’s why I’m so thankful that one of the most famous porn stars in the whole world, Jenna Jameson, decided to let us know what she thinks is going to happen after this next presidential election:

“I’m very looking forward to a Republican being back in office. When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.”

Yep, that’s Jenna Jameson’s endorsement for Mitt Romney for president. Mitt Romney, who, by the way, is interested in outlawing porn. And no one is treating this like a joke. But it has to be a joke, right?

But hey, I wonder how Jenna feels about chicken sandwiches these days?

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