Today's Evil Beet Gossip

John Goodman Did Funny or Die as Colonel Sanders, Who Happens to Love the Gays

Can I ask, please, why John Goodman just isn’t in more things these days? Because he’s just amazing. When he starred for that one season on Treme, I couldn’t have been happier, but then when the end of the season rolled around and they killed him off, I was so, so upset. Disappointing.

The thing is, I’m just now hearing about this show called ‘Downwardly Mobile’, which is Roseanne’s new sitcom featuring … you guessed it—John Goodman. How did I miss this? Emily wrote about this back in February … and I call myself this “Managing Editor.” Way to go, Sarah. Way to go.

Anyway! John Goodman! Funny or Die! He’s fabulous! Go watch!

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