Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ha! OMG, Nikki Reed and Paul McDonald Did a Music Video Together

Oh man, consider me slayed. Positively ripped the f-ck up. You know what the best-worst part is about the whole thing? I love this song! I love it! No joke – it’s so cute! I mean, Paul McDonald is trying way to hard to sound like Dylan (obviously), but that’s kind of his thing, I guess, and there’s a lingering part of me waiting for Nikki to reach over and take a giant bite out of his carotid (suppose I’ve been watching too many Twilight movies), but I can overlook all of these things because it’s really all so wonderful, isn’t it!

I guess the best part about the two of these lovesick fools is that Nikki is just as creepily infatuated with Paul as he is with her.

These guys are going to be forever, aren’t they? I suppose they will *always* be a thing, and isn’t that actually kind of beautiful?

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  • Wowowow…loved this song…loved the video….loved being reminded of those first days when you are breathless and giddy, full of love and fun and carefree….love it.

    My husband and I sing together…wish we had done a video like this when we were first married.

    Simply beautiful…Thanks for sharing Sarah…*smile