Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Brady Bunch star furious at anti-vaxxers

I love this.  Maureen McCormick, better known to many as Marcia Marcia Marcia, is livid with the anti-vaxxer loons that have been using an episode of The Brady Bunch as a meme to support their mission to spread disease.

In an episode titled, ‘Is There a Doctor in the House?’ McCormick’s character, Marcia, came down sick with measles and quipped, ‘If you have to get sick, sure can’t beat the measles.’

‘I think it’s really wrong when people use people’s images today to promote whatever they want to promote and the person’s image they’re using they haven’t asked or they have no idea where they stand on the issue,’ McCormick told NPR, adding, ‘As a mother, my daughter was vaccinated.’

The US is currently  experiencing the largest outbreak of the measles in over a decade, surpassing the previous high of 667 cases reported five years ago, in 2014.