Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Donald Trump Brags About Groping Women

In this video from 2005, where the microphone is left on, while doing an interview with muppet and drunk Billy Bush. Donald decided to take the “locker room” approach to bro-speak that we can assume is partially responsible for all the rape on campuses going on.

He goes on to degrade a woman they are on their way to meet, discussing how he kissed her without her permission after taking her furniture shopping, or that despite being married, he tried to have sex with her, but didn’t get it, so he was like a little bitch, to how women are drawn to money and you can do whatever you want, ending in his most quotable, and vile, statement….”Grab them in the pussy”….uninvited.

I mean, he must be campaigning for Clinton, this type behavior on the person being trying to be our leader is an absurd, insane, and disgusting concept.

I understand it is 2005, but those are his words, as a grown man, it’s not an apology situation, it’s a this is how he views woman situation.

The crazy thing in all this is that it’s not even shocking. It’s totally expected and I’m just surprised it wasn’t said at the last presidential debate.

He is the Kardashian of Politics…