Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Don’t Fuck With Anne Hathaway’s Breakfast

anne hathaway

For as much as she’s attempted to endear herself to the American public, people just don’t really like Anne Hathaway. Admittedly, I don’t necessarily mind her in movies. The Princess Diaries was fun, though Julie Andrews was the highlight; The Devil Wears Prada is fantastic, though Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt were the clear stars. Anne is just… okay, but she ends up being rather grating because you can just see how desperate she is to be liked. Unfortunately, stories like this one don’t do much to make her seem likable, whether or not they’re true – and as much as TMZ can be a hot mess sometimes, they tend to know what they’re talking about.

Hathaway was on the Paramount lot last week shooting a Japanese commercial when she ordered breakfast — a poached egg, along with an English muffin and avocado.

The guys catering the shoot were going crazy, because she sent the dish back 4 TIMES!!

1st try: Poached egg too runny.

2nd try: English muffin was cold because it sat while egg #2 was being poached.

3rd try: Egg #2 cold because it sat while chef toasted muffin #2.

4th try: Egg, muffin and avocado were perfect, but it took so long she decided she was in the mood for a fried egg.

This has to be a joke, right? Like, this isn’t something that people do in real life? I mean, I know it does happen, but it always just baffles me, because who exists like that? And she wonders why everyone hates her.

Do you suddenly just develop the most bizarre, specific tastes when you’re famous or something? I’d be like, “I’ll take an Egg McMuffin with sausage and a hashbrown and that’ll do me, thanks!” Why do celebrities turn into such nightmares? I can’t believe having that much money and exposure just turns you into an unreasonable monster naturally unless you already have it in you.

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