Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nick Gordon got a tattoo in honor of Bobbi Kristina

bobbi kristina nick gordon

Nick Gordon has pretty much been outed as a domestic abuser – not to mention he’s not actually legally married to Bobbi Kristina – but in order to make himself look like he’s not a complete scumbag, he decided to make a grand gesture of gentlemanship: he got Bobbi’s name tattooed on his arm.

bobbi kristina tattoo

This is not only hideous, but like… seriously? Nick isn’t allowed to the hospital to see Bobbi due to the restraining order against him by Pat Houston, but according to his lawyer he’s not interested in pursuing legal action to change that. Instead, he’ll just sit back and get ugly tattoos. Whatever, man.

Still no update on Bobbi’s condition – the last I’ve read, her organs are shutting down one by one, but the family still isn’t quite ready to take her off life support.

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