Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Garner just can’t diet anymore

jennifer garner

I think we can all agree that Jennifer Garner is an extremely slim woman. In no way is she overweight, and in fact she may even be underweight (or at the very least, on the lower side of “normal”, according to the bullshit BMI). However, she lives in Hollywood where you can never be too rich or too thin, and even Jen has felt that pressure. Too bad, though – she can’t diet anymore, because she’s done too much of it in the past.

Here’s what she had to say to Bobbi Brown in an interview with Yahoo Beauty:

BB: Does your husband eat the way you do? Are you both on the same page in terms of health and eating?

JG: He will eat the way I do unless he’s in the middle of really, really training for something. And then, it’s such a different thing. Every calorie and every gram of protein—everything’s counted in a way that… I don’t know how he does it.

BB: What happens when you come home from an awards ceremony and you’re like, OK, I haven’t eaten in two days to get into this dress. What is your go-to splurge? Pizza?

JG: Oh, I never do that. I don’t wear crazy dresses. With food I’m probably good 80% of the time. I’ve found out that I cannot pass up pizza without having some. I just can’t! My kids have a lot of pizza. I can’t go to a kids birthday party without having a slice.

BB: So, while most people will diet themselves to get into a dress, you actually look for a dress that looks good on you.

JG: Yeah, exactly!

BB: That makes so much sense.

JG: I mean, believe me, there’s always a point in the fitting where I feel like, ‘Why I didn’t I just try to lose four pounds and then I could wear any dress?’ I just can’t though. I dieted for so long in the middle of doing Alias and being a superhero, that there’s something in me that can’t do anything that extreme.

Well, good for you. But if your biggest problem is that you could stand to lose FOUR POUNDS, uh… girl, you don’t need to “diet”. Your weight can fluctuate four pounds in a DAY based on water weight, hormones, etc. Good lord.

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