Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Justin Bieber wears junk-hugging Calvin Klein underwear

calvin klein justin bieber

File this under “Shit I Never Asked to See” – Justin Bieber‘s campaign for Calvin Klein underwear is out, and it’s… interesting.

The photos were shared by Justin himself on his Twitter page today, and a bunch of pre-teens probably discovered their privates for the first time today as they gazed upon the fabric that surrounds his.

Just a few questions:

1. Why does Justin Bieber think he’s David Beckham?

2. Who was the Photoshop specialist hired for Justin’s crotchal region? That’s right, crotchal.

3. Why does Justin’s head look too small for his body?

4. Why?

Anyhow, I’m sure SOMEONE out there will enjoy these. Don’t say I never gave ya anything!

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