Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Viral ‘Fat Girl Dancing’ Whitney Thore gets her own TLC reality show

whitney thore

I guess TLC is scrambling for some new and decent content ever since Honey Boo Boo-gate, and they’ve decided to give a reality show to Whitney Thore, the viral “Fat Girl Dancing” star whose, well, fat girl dancing skills took over the internet a few months back. Whitney, 30, deals with PCOS and is at the highest weight she’s ever been in her life. This show will hopefully shed some light on her condition and share her journey as she tries to stay fit and get rid of the pounds.

Here’s the trailer:

I seriously hope this turns out to be a positive experience and doesn’t just end up with TLC exploiting the shit out of this woman, though I do fear it’ll be the latter, as per usual. Whitney seems really intelligent, passionate and down-to-earth so I think a lot of people could get something out of this. I would totally watch it if I actually had cable (I’m not anti-TV, I just literally don’t own one because I watch everything online).

What do you think? Will you watch Whitney’s show? It’s called My Big Fat Fabulous Life, by the way.Oh, and if you needed a refresher, here’s Whitney’s original viral video:

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I am really hoping that her getting back into dance really helps her. I am also hoping that this help girls in all shapes and sizes because you really have to be comfortable in your own skin to put yourself out there like she has. Kudos to her!!!

  • TLC is short for The Learning Channel so maybe for once they can go back to doing a show that teaches viewers something?