Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Katy Perry shames the Australian paparazzi for being “perverted and disgusting”

katy perry

Katy Perry is currently in Australia for the latest leg of her Prismatic World Tour, and when she’s not working, she likes to enjoy some downtime at the local beaches, just like anyone would. The only trouble is, she’s a famous popstar and gets “stalked” by paparazzi wherever she goes. These dudes are pretty persistent in Australia, apparently, and won’t go away even when she nicely but firmly tells them to buzz off and give her personal space.

So bothered was Katy by a recent experience with three men in particular that she publicly shamed them on Twitter, even going so far as to post photos of them, though to be honest, they don’t look like they really give a shit, unfortunately.

And here are the pictures…

katy perry stalkers

People think it’s so great to be famous, but THIS is the kinda bullshit you put up with. Nah, I’m good.

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