Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Gwyneth Paltrow swears she can’t wait to “age gracefully”

gwyneth paltrow

Ugh, why can’t Gwyneth Paltrow ever do anything that’s not totally annoying? I was hemming and hawing on which GP story to cover today: her Goop “must-have” Christmas list which includes a $4k vase (among other monstrosities) or the fact that, despite admittedly getting Botox (which she later described as “vain”), she swears she’s into “aging gracefully”. LOL to that, but we’re going with the latter.

Here’s what she had to say in a piece she wrote for Stylist magazine:

“I know it’s a cliché, but I really do subscribe to the ‘age gracefully’ thing. You can fight it to a degree, but I accept the beauty of being a grown woman and the wisdom that comes with it. There’s nothing fun about being at that young age where you don’t know yourself and you’re struggling so much to accept yourself. There are cases where younger women really are integrated in themselves, but personally it took me a long time I wouldn’t go back for anything!

I’m not the type to look in the mirror and study my looks. God no! I’d rather die than be studying my face like that! I just brush my teeth and try to get dressed and get everyone up. The morning is definitely not the time when I look in the mirror. I don’t tend to wear much make-up either. If I’m working, I’ll wear a lot, obviously, but in my own life I’m very much a mascara and lip gloss kind of person. I do try – especially in the last five years – to be good about washing my face properly then exfoliating and moisturising before bed. Taking an inside-out approach to beauty has always been my philosophy – that and sleep, good nutrition and a bit of exercise – especially when it comes to skin.”

She goes on and on from there, contemplating her navel about society’s standards set for women, self-acceptance, her love of mascara, etc. Talk about vain. If Goopy does really lay off the Botox and whatever other cosmetic procedures she gets which she still files under the “aging gracefully” canopy, good for her. Or, if she wants to go full on Kris Jenner and go under the knife 80 times a year, that’s cool too – just own it. The worst thing about people in Hollywood, particularly women (since they are indeed held to a higher standard) is when they lie about how they look the way they do. It’s all well and good to say you look after yourself, but let’s be honest: part of that regime in Hollywood means personal chefs, private trainers, thousands of dollars on facials and massages and makeup artists… it’s hardly what the rest of us do, and that’s fine. But don’t pretend otherwise.

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