Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Gene Simmons has advice for us womenfolk

gene simmons

Gene Simmons is always offering his thoughts on weird topics that no one really asked him about, and he’s not about to stop anytime soon. His recent foray into telling you how to live your life is particularly aimed at the ladies among us – we need to stop depending on men so much.

From Fox News (lol):

In an interview with Andrea Tantaros Friday, Simmons went as far as to say women should assume men will abandon them and thus devote their early lives to making money to support themselves.

“This is a very complex and difficult question to answer so I’m going to put it as simply as possible. Women: Stop depending on men. It’s as simple as that. Imagine there are no men in life,” Simmons said. “Find out that thing that you’re good for that makes the money and then get married and or have children from a position of strength.”

Look, on one hand, I’m totally for part of his message (even though he wasn’t exactly aiming for the message as I’m taking it): women SHOULD be independent and strong and pursue their passions and dreams. We should all be self-sufficient and any time we find a partner, that person should make us better, NOT complete us. I’m on board with that. However, that goes for people of BOTH sexes, and to assume that women “depend” on men as a gender is kinda obnoxious and pretty ridiculous. I don’t think Gene really gets how sexism works: the system is set up to MAKE women depend on men more, but then we’re told we’re not being strong because we’re doing it. Aye carumba.

Anyhoo, I’m all about that independent jam and have never depended on a man for anything in my life, so I’m all good here… I just find it semi-ironic that a man is telling women to be independent and strong and yet… he’s a man telling a woman how to live her life. Whatever, man.

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  • My mother raised me to have my own career, education, and way of supporting myself, because if you ARE dependent on someone else, and they leave you, then you’re up a creek.

    I also agree that women should expect men to be unreliable; they’re young, dumb, and full of come. Guys in their early 20s, for the most part, are not reliable.

    He’s rock solid on this. Women need to establish themselves before they take on a man, much less a family.

  • I could not have said it better Jennifer–thank you. I was raised to go to college, but I was also raised to think I was “just a girl” Met and married college sweetheart. Got left with a kid (on said kid’s 5th birthday!!!) and not much else. Had to drag my sorry butt back to school and just when I was getting proud of me for doing all that…I actually found man to depend on. Not for the money (etc) although isn’t that nice (sarcasm) but for the love and support of a mature adult relationship. I tell these kids today to take care of themselves (no need to be selfish), but do be able to take care of if the day comes (which honey I can tell my story again!) you alone (if needed) can support yourself and your offspring.